With the first Kill team annual being released this christmas time, everyone's favourite homicidal nuns are going to get their own kill team. With some over powered tactics too. Like blessed bolts, turning their storm bolters into armour eating wonder guns. For two command points they become -2 AP and 2 D. Giving even primaris and death guard pause for thought.
Your commander can be either a Canoness or Repentia superior, I personally like whips and leather. Uh.. I mean Repentia superior because you get to reroll failed charge moves and wounds rolls of ones on melee attack dice for youor sisters repentia. Making her versatile in the small teams and close quarters of kill team. Really helping you get in nice and close.
The data sheets allows for great diversty in your kill team, with the allowance of the standard sisters of battle, two of which can be upgraded to gunners; you also can take sisters repentia and the punished Arco-flagellants .