The Paragon Warsuits statline is available. With Strength and Toughness at 5, this boosted by their melee weapons make up the short fall. The war blade being +1 strength and war mace being +4 strength. Increasing the warsuits strength to 6 and 9 respectively. With three attacks each, in squad of three, making 9 attacks; great for antitank and anti-infantry. The warblade giving -3 AP, even heavy infantry has something to fear. The warmace's 3 Damage at strength 9 is a worry for many tanks and walkers.
The low toughness for a walker, is poor and the warsuits can be easily taken out early in game even with the 4 wounds, the shield of faith invulnerable save, and finally the paragon warsuits rule of minus one to damage of weapons attacking the warsuit.
Next is tthe Celestian Sancresants, with a basic stat line of the average sister but once again gets the boost to strength; with their melle weapons. The mace giving +2 and Halberd +3, with the mace having an AP -1 and Damage of 2 good for multiple enemies. The halberd AP -3, damage of D 1 is great for smaller heavier armoured units.