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The Emperor's Berzerkers

With the second book of the psychic awakening just around the corner. The psychotic Black power armoured loons are getting some new rules and strategems. All that good stuff we have come to accept from games workshop.

Lord marshal Helbrecht the psychotic in chief, is going to be a must with his crusade of wrath ability making space marines of the black Templar persuasion S5 (suck it death guard). His trusty black sword giving him strength seven in combat and the ability to re roll wouunds on monsters and characters. Helbrecht is going to be a pain in the ass of any enemy commander. Especially nids and daemons with their over sized monsters.

Now the heirs of Sigsmund get special ammo, in the shape of witch seeker bolts. Use one command point and bestow this blessed ammunition upon your intercessor sergeant. Allowing D3 mortal wounds on an enemy character psyker, on top of any other damage caused that round. Nasty to those pointy eared freaks of the craftworlds.

There is so much more on the warhammer community page, including the assualt doctrine: Knights of Sigismund. Which automatically wounds on an unmodified roll of a six. Close combat troops like incursors. Become incredibly lethal (well more lethal than a gene augmented over zealous psychopath could be) rounding out to be a nice cover all for the Black Templars. Turning them into decent jack of all trades. Nice mix of stabby and shooty abilities.

In the coming week we'll be seeing rules for the traitorous brethren and Alpha legion.


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