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New Years Open Day Reveals

Finally it's here the News Year's open day, sisters of battle are taking centre stage; with a huge amount of models. With new arcoflagelents looking all gruesome and psychotic, with biomichanical whips. Charging into battle with brainwashed zealous fervour. Great looking models with kinetic poses. The smaller details, showing their prisoner numbers on dogtags; highlighting that each have been forced into this inhumane state because of their own actions.

The Zephyrim have shown themselves, the box will allow you to build either jump pack unit. With heroic poses and a great looking banner. Once again they all show movement in the miniatures. Eqiupped with power swords and bolt pistols, they will be a beast in melee combat. I do like the small dove holding up the scripture parchment, it highlights the peacefulness through war that the sisters of battle embody.

As with most new armies, the adepta soritas come with a terrain piece. This is of a living saint statue. Unlike statues of other imperial armies, this is impeccable marble and exudes hope that only their faith can bring.

As you can see by the trailer, pre-orders are next week so available to buy in two weeks.


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