The next instalment of the psychic awakening story is out on pre-order now and to buy next week. What is it all about, I hear you cry (I don't really as I'm not in the same with you). Kor Phaeron has decided to attack the Talledus system, because it so close to Holy Terra and prior to the great rift; a heavily fortified Ecclesiarchy stronghold. This sounds like it's going to go well for the word bearers.
The black templars and the sisters of battle are having none of his nonsense and will not give ground. So it's overzealous chaos worshippers against overzealous Emperor botherers. No matter who wins Khorne will be happy (Angron makes an appearence maybe? Yes I know he's a world eater). So make way for blood and carnage all for their respective deity(s). For Talledus' destruction could start a domino effect that reaches the Emperor himself.