After literal months, Mortal realms partworks is going to be rolled out across the UK and Spain in the new year. This Partworks is the Age of sigmar equivalent to conquest released last year. Focusing on storm cast eternals and nighthaunt. In the first issue you'll get three storm cast eternal liberators (I think, I collect goblins so not 100%) and ten chainrasps; along with dice, playmat and magazine. Its pretty cheap too for £2.99. The first four issues will availble in your local warhammer store the rest can be delivered by subscription.
Collecting the set also grabs you the exclusive and amazing looking Stormcast Eternals model – the Knight-Incantor Xandria Azurebolt. Be aware it is weekly so if you are going to subscribe it could cost you £30ish a month going on the price of conquest. Well worth it as you will make huge savings on the models. Conquest had the apothecary and chaplain each would have stung you £20 so collectors got theses models at less than half price.
Told you she looks amazing! There is plenty more where that came from too.