Yesterday's news was all about the Tyranids and how their new rules are more fluffy. With the new chapter approve around the corner, the onslaught of "leaks". Regarding points, the one thing we can be sure about is; it's going to get fluffy. With new rules being centred around narrative play. This pleases me as I take ages coming up with detailed backstories for my own chapters. You can buy a short novella based on my Wolves of Caliban on the home page. Self plug finished.
The rules now allowing you to combine kill team, warhammer 40,000 and Apocalypse. You can even play your favourite books. Imagine doing the lictor in filtration on baal as small kill team game and then outside a massive apocalyptic tyranids against many blood angels chapters. The winner of the kill team mission actually influencing the bigger battle!
I love narrative gameplay,personally it adds imersion, now all we need is battle fleet gothic to be released and titanicus to come forward some ten thousand years. Then our games can from massive void war to titans to miniatures. This would be awesome, with each battle furthering the next ones story progression. Next add in the old game inquisitor (for those old enough to remember) Then you get war on every level.
With the news of more narrative games, I can only infer that Games workshop are allowing more freedom to the players to build and create their own armies. Allowing each player to have their own unique view of the grim dark and etch their own mark into it. Such creative diversity is only a good thing. I do read the comments on face book and would really like to hear your views or even show some of your own conversions and chapter colours. I may even make a page for them on this site!